" Angels in the Silicon"
Tale is an inter-decadal journey across America’s technological and cultural landscape.
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Goodreads Book Giveaway
Angels in the Silicon
by Richard Theodor Kusiolek
Giveaway ends October 01, 2013.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Thaddeus Sikorski is a third generation American; he is a courageous and steadfast father caught up in a tragic odyssey- to preserve and protect the people he loves the most. After losing his first love, 18-year-old Thad enlists in the armed forces, earning his stripes in Vietnam. Upon his return,Thad becomes a disillusioned street revolutionary in San Francisco California; ultimately, metamorphosing into a business school graduate, an internet entrepreneur, a global business leader, and a loving husband.
Author Richard Kusiolek weaves a fastidious narrative of life as a business magnate in the Silicon Valley’s boom-years. “Angels in the Silicon©” focuses on what it means to be a man in an era of rapid technological and economic flux, fighting an unjust judiciary in an aura of prejudice and unreason.
In between entrepreneurial misadventures, he manages to save the life of an American President, struggles with a psychopathy attorney and murderer, discovers the truth about Silicon Valley’s justice
system, experiences the economic hollowing out brought on by the outsourcing of Silicon Valley technologies, and survives the emotions of remaining true to his love for his children.
• The investigative literary non-fiction novel, “Angels in the Silicon”, has a powerful tale to tell for new comers to Silicon Valley and for others who wish to
learn the naked truth of living in Northern California’s Silicon Valley.
“The Truth about America’s Silicon Valley"-Presidential Plots & legal psychopaths
“Riveting and insightful regarding progressivism and the social upheavals living in the Silicon Valley.” -John Yoo – Law Professor
“Book sounds interesting and worthy of reading.” - Rand Paul-Senator
“We are taken through the pursuit of the American dream, the establishment of the American
family, and a smattering of suspense and intrigue.” — Nikita Allgire –Literary Critic
“Informative and understandable, even for non-techies like me... ” — Eva Hunter -Author
“…I took a look at “Angels in the Silicon,” and found it to be a much more open and
honest appraisal of the true nature of Silicon Valley and its opportunities as
well as the many problems.” David Welch –Author
Also listen to the YouTube version of Channel 15# interview w/producer Clare Mullin under the Heading, "Featured Publications."
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